Power up | Content Update 8: Version:
October 26 2022 in MythForce
Content Update 8: “Power up”
Happy Halloweek, friends! This is Project Director Luke with your end-of-October update: Content Update 8—“Power Up”
As the name suggests, this update focuses on powering up your heroes by adding new abilities to their arsenal—namely the long-awaited 3rd set of ability upgrades to each of the heroes’ 3 special abilities, as well as a set of brand-new aerial abilities, each unique to their character.
Now, when you are mid-air and far enough off of the ground, each character has a unique ability: Rico gains the ability to double-jump, allowing him to reach higher spots and even hop over a hostile enemy’s head; Maggie gains the ability to magically slow her fall, Hawkins can magically propel himself through the air, dashing horizontally much like dodging on solid ground; and Victoria can charge up to target a spot on the ground to strike with extreme force.
You’d better spend some time practicing these new jump abilities, though. Now that they’re there, normal falls from a sufficient height will cause some damage.
Aside from the new jump abilities, we’re also rolling out the 3rd and final set of special ability upgrades, along with a slight increase to ability points, bringing your grand total up to 9 to spend across all abilities at Rank 10. There are too many special ability upgrades to detail in a blog entry, so I’ll let the bullet point list below speak for itself.
- Jump Abilities:
- Victoria gains Thunderstrike: While in mid-air, hold jump to target an area on the ground. Upon releasing jump, Victoria will surge to the targeted area, doing electric damage and staggering nearby enemies.
- Rico gains Double jump: While in mid-air, press the jump key/button again to execute a second mid-air jump, gaining extra height but maintaining momentum.
- Hawkins gains Spirit Dash: While in mid-air, hold a direction and press jump to dash in that direction horizontally.
- Maggie gains Feather Fall: While in mid-air, hold the jump button to magically slow your fall, drifting to the ground while floating in any direction.
- Falling from a sufficient height now causes fall damage, which can be mitigated by using the new jump abilities.
- Ability upgrade set III:
- Victoria gains the following upgrades to her abilities:
- Vanguard III: Vanguard now stops as soon as it hits an enemy and knocks back all enemies around Victoria.
- Sling Shield III: The shield now bounces to allies as well, granting a temporary magic barrier that absorbs incoming damage.
- Lion’s Roar III: Lion’s roar loses its knockdown power but instead burns enemies with magical fire in a radius while active, and hits with Victoria’s enchanted mace also explode in fire.
- Hawkins gains the following upgrades to his abilities:
- Spectral Detour III: Upon exiting Spectral Detour, the next non-spell attack Hawkins does gains added Ice damage and applies Frozen to the next target hit.
- Phantom Shot III: Hawkins’s phantom arrows travel faster but lose their homing ability. Corruption damage is replaced with Electric damage.
- Rift Arrow III: While the rift is active, any allies that pass into its radius have their non-spellbook weapons temporarily enchanted with Arcane.
- Maggie gains the following upgrades to her abilities:
- Snap III: The cooldown of snap is decreased, as is distance traveled.
- Familiar III: Familiar is permanently summoned, flying over Maggie’s shoulder. It attacks automatically but does reduced damage. Familiar can still be placed like a turret using the ability normally.
- Barrier III: The barrier no longer provides defense against projectiles but instantly freezes a limited number of enemies that enter its threshold.
- Rico gains the following upgrades to his abilities:
- Pocket Sand III: All enemies affected by Pocket Sand become damage linked, so all enemies linked take damage when one is hit.
- Deadly Thrust III: After using Deadly Thrust, Rico’s next attack is charged up with pure arcane energy and launches an arc projectile.
- Backslash III: Backslash’s cooldown time is doubled, but upon using it, Pocket Sand and Deadly Thrust’s cooldowns are instantly refreshed.
- Victoria gains the following upgrades to her abilities:
- Maximum Ability Points at Rank 10 have been increased to 9 (Previously 6) to accommodate the new ability upgrades.
- The Divine Healer & Spare the Dying perks have been merged into a single Divine Healer perk, which now provides both a reduction in revive timer and higher HP on successful revive.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where, in multiplayer, the Clairvoyant perk behaves as though it is Tier 1 regardless of its actual tier for client players.
- Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck in third-person point-of-view when using an ability while emoting.
- Fixed an issue with the Forest Goliath’s ceasing to act when they are hit with certain attacks.
- Fixed an issue where the Forest Goliath could get stuck in a “take cover” state.
- Fixed an issue where the Forest Goliath would stop moving then vanish when defeated, instead of animating falling over and exploding into spores.
- Fixed an issue where Perfect Parrying a Goliath sometimes did not cause it to go into a staggered state.
- Fixed an issue where the comms wheel would become stuck permanently open if the player had it open when dying in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where some menu elements were not properly highlighting when navigating to them using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases Victoria’s Sling Shield ability would not fire when used by a Client player in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where on occasion melee weapons would miss an enemy or breakable even though the weapon collided with them.
- Fixed an issue where Daggers with the poison effect could have more total effects than their effect limit.
- Fixed an issue where Bows with elemental effects would not deal elemental damage.
- Fixed an issue where Greatsword Power Attacks would ricochet off of other players.
- Fixed an issue where, in a multiplayer session, two or more Hawkinses would begin to block one another’s movement after using Spectral Detour.
- Fixed an issue where, when within Maggie’s Barrier, the buff icon in the status bar is for Victoria’s Lion’s Roar instead of the correct icon.
- Fixed an issue where enemies using ice spells sometimes would show their targeting indicator elsewhere from where they were targeting the spell.
- Fixed an issue where the character arm would animate improperly when reviving another player while carrying a greatsword.
- Fixed an issue where blizzards appeared to stay even after the caster was defeated.
- Fixed a multiplayer issue that caused the host’s emotes to appear to be on cooldown whenever a client used an emote.
- Fixed an issue where Lizardman “Septic Shower” and other enemy bow-draw sounds could be heard by all players regardless of distance.
- Fixed an issue where cel shader outlines disappear when in front of the Skybox.
- Fixed an issue where the Necrolyte buff on other enemies in the room wouldn’t consistently appear for clients in multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue where, if a charge were interrupted, the charge speedlines could appear on the charging player character’s third-person model.
- Fixed an issue where Fireballs would sometimes deal damage twice on hit.
- Fixed an issue where the elite combat music would not play when the Necrolyte is in the first room of the 2nd/3rd floor.
- Fixed an issue where the elite combat music would not play when Necrolytes appear 2 rooms in a row.
- Fixed an audio issue where the sound of characters and enemies walking through water could be heard regardless of distance from the sound’s source.
- Fixed an issue where Rico’s arm could appear stuck in a backslash animation to other players when backslash is interrupted.
Known Issues
Performance Issues
- As multiplayer in MythForce is peer-to-peer, you may experience lag or “choppiness” depending on your connection to the host and the power of their computer.
- On first launch, performance can be low on mechanical hard drives while building shaders in the background.
Gameplay Issues
- When selected as an infusion in Victoria’s infusion tree, Divine Healer only grants a reduction in revive time and does not properly grant additional healing on revive.
- If the host player is disconnected from the internet when returning to the main menu, it is possible for the game to become stuck in an unresponsive state.
- The game can crash on rare occasions when playing the game with out-of-date device drivers. Please ensure that your drivers are up-to-date to play MythForce.
- The effects of Vitality Link do not properly award Max HP or party healing if rapidly drinking a potion while the effects of another potion are still being applied.
- On occasion, rooms will open before all enemies have been defeated, allowing players to progress and leave enemies behind.
- On occasion, enemies will recover from a staggered state sooner than expected.
- Infrequently, Beastor’s animation at the beginning of the boss fight does not play for clients.
- On rare occasions, it’s possible to get stuck in a knocked-down state after being hit by Beastor or being caught in the explosion of a spore pod.
- It is possible to get temporarily stuck at “walk” speed after shield-bashing an enemy or breakable. Raising and lowering the Shield will fix this.
- On rare occasions, after falling into a pit, the player may permanently lose the ability to rotate left and right.
- Rift Arrow can sometimes cause colliding creatures and players to be launched into the air.
- Jumping on top of certain creatures can cause players to be launched into the air.
- It’s possible to exploit a “safe zone” at the entrance door to rooms, allowing you to shoot into a room without enemies’ being able to fight back.
- There are some rare instances in which players can become stuck in world geometry and be unable to return to the playable area.
- Clients will occasionally get kicked from the lobby while loading into the game.
UI & Text Issues
- The floor-depth indicator can sometimes misreport the number of total rooms on a floor, causing it to appear as if the player has traversed more or fewer rooms in a floor than actually exist.
- There is no confirmation dialogue on the Early Retreat menu, making it easy to select an undesired choice by mistake with no way to undo.
- Ping indicators persist to the end of their normal timeout even if the pinged object is removed.
- On rare occasions, the hotbar can appear empty after reviving. Picking up or dropping items repopulates the hotbar.
Visual Issues
- Some door frames and walls where door frames could appear do not appear properly lit, looking darker than expected.
- In certain rooms, it is possible for a group of spore pods to spawn in the same location hovering above a thorn vine pit.
- There are rare instances of sections of grass mounds, rocks, and foliage from outside the playable area appearing visible within the playable area.
- When viewing a higher area from below, it is possible to see enemy shadows on the ceiling above where they are standing.
- Some breakables and treasure boxes intersect with the environment, making them hard to see.
- Some environment geometry is larger than its collision, allowing smaller items to become hidden within environmental elements like stairs and raised flagstones.
- Sporefolk clouds that appear on death are opaque, making it difficult to see through.
- Some status effect particle systems can be difficult to see on Sporefolk.
- On occasion, after level transition, the “time of day” may appear inconsistent between players.
- Some seams are visible on ground textures, particularly in connecting corridors.
- Some enemies can appear to “jitter” back and forth when approaching in combat.
- There is no “key” to pick up when you defeat Beastor. You can just proceed to the final room and use the pedestal.
Audio Issues
- Beastor’s combat music may briefly start up again for clients while progressing to the next room after Beastor has been defeated.
- A number of cut additional voice line variant takes are playing in-game. Some voice lines when using special abilities, or receiving status effects like ignite, are now playing incorrectly.