Patch 8193.34: Pathfinding, Renderer & Other QoL Improvements
December 8 2021 in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
Greetings, Neverwinter Nights players and modders!
A new PC patch for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition arrives today. This update brings new quality of life improvements and fixes a few regressions introduced by the previous stable update.
Patch notes
- Apple M1: Fixed audio crackle when decoding mp3 files, including voiceovers.
- Pathfinding: Fixed a case where pathing was bailed on too early, resulting in incorrect behaviour that was regressed in the previous patch.
- Facelift tilesets tts02 tcm02: Addressed various texture and model issues.
- ResMan: Fixed two memleaks where it wouldn’t release loaded data instances.
- Renderer: Minor fixes to animation start consistency.
- Renderer: Fixed animated skinmesh parts going out of sync/being one frame behind.
- Renderer: Fixed rough surfaces having a milky sheen at some viewing aspects, especially when using height maps.
QoL Improvements
- Game: Disable ctrl-drag selection box on clients when server.player-party-control is off (the default). Note that clients will have to reconnect if you toggle this setting while a game is up.
- NWSync: Repositories are now collapsible in the main UI view; this state is remembered in settings.tml.
- NWSync: Module versions can now hold a `localalias` field that is used to backreference for StartNewModule(“originalfilename”).
- NWSync: Better support for repository-side statistics.
- NWSync: Hide modules, campaigns and adverts with empty name labels.
- NWSync: Don’t reject repository.json if advert buttons have empty labels and URLs.
- Launch Game UI/Repo Manager: Fixed “Show Advert” checkbox label being cut off.
- Launch Game UI: Fixed “Advert” panel type displaying a STRREF instead of text when no label is defined in repository.json.
Scriptable UI
- Nui: Fixed crash when calling SetGroupLayout() with invalid data.
- Nui: Fixed scrollbar size for textedit.
- Nui: Text can now override border and scrollbars properties.
- Nui: Fixed draw_list scissoring breaking succeeding widget rendering.
- Nui: Fixed draw_list scissoring leaving a stale scissor on the GL stack for nested widgets.
- Nui: Fixed entries in a list view not scissoring draw_list correctly when scrolling out of view.
- Nui: list(): Fixed textedit() widget not working in lists.
- Nui: list(): Scrollbars now configurable.
- Nui: list(): Fix spacers not advancing row layout correctly.
- Nui: Never allow binds to update during construction. This fixes list() array binds degrading to scalar values, among other.
- Nui: textedit(): Fixed placeholder sometimes rendering on the succeeding widget instead.
- Nui: textedit(): Fixed range event triggering too often or with wrong values.
- Nui: Added demo code for spreadsheet UI.
- Nui: Fixed “list” widget not showing a vertical scrollbar in AUTO mode.
Premium Modules
- Tyrants of the Moonsea: Fixed ship's cabin navigation map occasionally disabling erroneously.
New Script Commands
// Returns the number of script instructions remaining for the currently-running script.
// Once this value hits zero, the script will abort with TOO MANY INSTRUCTIONS.
// The instruction limit is configurable by the user, so if you have a really long-running
// process, this value can guide you with splitting it up into smaller, discretely schedulable parts.
// Note: Running this command and checking/handling the value also takes up some instructions.
int GetScriptInstructionsRemaining();
// Returns a modified copy of jArray with the value order changed according to nTransform:
// Sorting is dependent on the type and follows json standards (.e.g. 99 < "100").
// Randomises the order of elements.
// Reverses the array.
// Returns a modified copy of jArray with duplicate values removed.
// Coercable but different types are not considered equal (e.g. 99 != "99"); int/float equivalence however applies: 4.0 == 4.
// Order is preserved.
// Returns the first non-null entry. Empty-ish values (e.g. "", 0) are not considered null, only the json scalar type.
json JsonArrayTransform(json jArray, int nTransform);
// Returns the nth-matching index or key of jNeedle in jHaystack.
// Supported haystacks: object, array
// Ordering behaviour for objects is unspecified.
// Return null when not found or on any error.
json JsonFind(json jHaystack, json jNeedle, int nNth = 0, int nConditional = JSON_FIND_EQUAL);
// Returns a copy of the range (nBeginIndex, nEndIndex) inclusive of jArray.
// Negative nEndIndex values count from the other end.
// Out-of-bound values are clamped to the array range.
// Examples:
// json a = JsonParse("[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]");
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 0, 1) // => [0, 1]
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 1, -1) // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 0, 4) // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 0, 999) // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 1, 0) // => []
// JsonArrayGetRange(a, 1, 1) // => [1]
// Returns a null type on error, including type mismatches.
json JsonArrayGetRange(json jArray, int nBeginIndex, int nEndIndex);
// Returns the result of a set operation on two arrays.
// Operations:
// * JSON_SET_SUBSET (v <= o):
// Returns true if every element in jValue is also in jOther.
// * JSON_SET_UNION (v | o):
// Returns a new array containing values from both sides.
// * JSON_SET_INTERSECT (v & o):
// Returns a new array containing only values common to both sides.
// Returns a new array containing only values not in jOther.
// Returns a new array containing all elements present in either array, but not both.
json JsonSetOp(json jValue, int nOp, json jOther);
// Returns the column name of s2DA at nColumn index (starting at 0).
// Returns "" if column nColumn doesn't exist (at end).
string Get2DAColumn(string s2DA, int nColumnIdx);
// Returns the number of defined rows in the 2da s2DA.
int Get2DARowCount(string s2DA);