MythForce Hotfix for Level Transition Crash!
April 27 2022 in Beamdog
Hello folks!
This is Luke, MythForce Project Director.
Thank you sincerely for joining us on the beginning of our journey into Early Access. MythForce launched April 20th, and you’ve already helped us identify tons of ways we can improve the game.
We’ll be sorting through your feedback over the coming days and weeks, but before we start our regular updates, we've received reports of critical issues with our release build:
- Some folks are crashing when traveling from the 1st floor to the 2nd
- Others are unable to launch the game due to some critical files not getting installed correctly
To resolve these issues as quickly as possible we’re releasing a hotfix that addresses those two “can’t play the game” items (and adds a few extra bug fixes we hope will make the game much more enjoyable for everyone).
Check out full details below!
- ❄️Improved performance on the Blizzard effect when using the Ice Book. This reduces the number of ice spikes in the blizzard, but the ability has been tuned to compensate
- 🎸We’ve added more intense music layers in higher intensity battles— listen for some rockin’ guitar and Tangerine Dream-esque synths in horde encounters
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where some players would crash on level transition
- Fixed an issue where the Visual C++ Redistributable does not install with the game, preventing some players from launching the game
- Fixed an issue where inverting X or Y in the control menu does not persist between the main menu and the game
- Fixed an issue where some players could become stuck when using Maggie’s “Snap” ability
- Fixed an issue where chill status VFX could stay permanently attached to some enemies
- Fixed an issue where players could lose the ability to interact with objects after dying
- Fixed a rare issue where a wall could prevent players from entering the final room of the 3rd floor
- Fixed an issue where sometimes Beastor’s animations would not play
- Fixed an issue where the elemental effect outline glow on Sporefolk weaponry could completely cover the item, making it appear a single, solid color with no detail
- Fixed an issue where background music would continue to play when watching the intro animation from the options menu
- Fixed an issue where it can appear that Mana & Stamina are stuck at 0 after being revived
- Fixed an issue where banter dialogue would skip to the last character line in the dialogue
- Fixed an issue where player characters would play their jump & land “grunts” on level transitions
- Fixed an issue where the loading screen would not wait for all players to finish loading, causing some players to be able to begin playing before the level is ready
- Fixed an issue where “ping” appears in the keybind menu when the ping system is not yet implemented
Known Issues:
Gameplay issues:
- In cases where some players have a slow network connection, it can appear during the Beastor boss battle that Beastor is “teleporting” from one location to another after certain attacks.
- Some creative platforming in specific room variants can allow players to exit the playable area
- Rift arrow can sometimes cause colliding creatures and players to be ejected into the air and possibly out of the play area
- Jumping on top of certain creatures can cause players to be ejected into the air and possibly out of the play area
- It’s possible to exploit a “safe zone” at the entrance door to rooms, allowing you to shoot into a room without enemies being able to fight back
- Shield and dagger stamina loss on block is too generous, making it easy to turtle and prevent all incoming damage
- There are some rare instances where players can become stuck in the world geometry and unable to return to the playable area
- Dagger attack speed and stagger makes it possible to stun-lock regular enemies
UI issues:
- The item comparison hotbar popup when looking at an item in the world does not compare “like for like”, reducing its usefulness
Performance issues:
- On first launch, performance can be low on mechanical hard drives while building shaders in the background
Visual issues:
- On occasion, after level transition, the “time of day” may appear inconsistent between players
- Some seams are visible on ground textures, particularly in connecting corridors
- Sporefolk can appear to “jitter” back and forth when approaching in combat
- There is no “key” to pick up when you defeat Beastor. You can just proceed to the final room and use the pedestal