Axis & Allies 1942 Online Patch! Customized Turn Timers for Custom Games, iOS fixes, and More!
April 26 2022 in Axis & Allies 1942 Online
Attention Commanders,
A new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. 🎲🎲🎲
⚠️OUTAGE NOTICE:⚠️ The game will be unavailable from April 26th 11:00am-1:00pm MDT while the team rolls out the patch.
- Customized Turn Timers for Custom Games | The game now allows you to customize the Turn Timer when setting up a non-Ranked game. Can be defaulted to a particular value for all new games in user Settings

- More informative Game History | Game History now shows length of game and which round it ended at
- More informative in-Game Menu | The in-game menu now displays the Match Name, Game Mode & Dice Mode
- More Colorblind adjustments | With the Colorblind Setting enabled, the game now also changes display of units & unit tokens
- Improved Offline Mode detection | Increased the speed with which a local network disconnection is detected to prevent players from entering Online games if they don’t have a network connection
- Tentative fixes for Black Screens & Dice Animation issues on iOS
- The War Diary now shows the origin location of units for the Combat Move and Noncombat Move phases
- Combat scenarios of Submarines vs Fighters are optimized for quicker play
- In-game Audio tracks now play properly on PC
- The Purchase panel is now disabled when viewing completed games
- Aircraft Carriers and Fighters can now properly deploy in any sea region
- The game shows the first roll for attackers in the Roll Log properly when there is an offshore bombardment
- Clearing your in-game notifications should work better
- Fixed The Victory Cities text in the Help More menu
- More crash fixes