2.6.6 Patch for Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate I & II Enhanced Editions
May 17 2021 in Infinity Engine
Greetings everyone!
The long-awaited 2.6 Patch for Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions launched to PC, Mac, and Linux in April. Today we're following that up with the 2.6.6 Patch to squash a few more bugs in these classic RPGs.
Thanks again to our heroic community members who tested out these fixes ahead of today's release.
Together, we are bug-kicking for goodness!🐹
Read on for full patch details...
2.6.6 Patch Notes
Updates | All Games
- Clicking Sounds | Prevented extra button click sounds from playing in the User Interface (UI)
- Lightning Bolt Traps | Lightning bolts from the lightning mephit trap and mephit attacks will no longer bounce
- Melf's Minute Meteors | Fixed the removing of Melf's Minute Meteors (and any similarly implemented spell) when a character moves in Multiplayer
- Multiplayer | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where a newly added party member was not visible or controllable
- Multiplayer | Fixed a Multiplayer issue where the 6th slot characters were having the HP and inventory inadvertently changed
- Multiplayer | Fixed a rare issue where clicking on Multiplayer would crash the game
- World Map | The World Map no longer reopens when travelling to the same location
Updates | Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
- Tremain | Tremain will now successfully revive his son
- Yeslick's Dispel Magic | Yeslick's special ability Dispel Magic no longer applies the continuous graphical effect
- Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a crash when travelling to the Coalition Camp
- Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a Linux crash after a dialogue with Corporal Duncan, near the end of Chapter 10
- Siege of Dragonspear | Fixed a crash in the music system during the Neothelid fight in the Ritual Chamber
Updates | Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
- Creature Sounds | Right-clicking on creatures will once again play their default sound
Updates | Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
- Boring Beetle Pincers | Fixed pincers on the druid boring beetle form
- Spirit Wolves | Fixed a crash when using Spirit Wolves by Totemic Druid